Jumat, 13 September 2013

Konfigurasi SNMP Juniper

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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Sekedar share mengenai konfigurasi SNMP di juniper hehe :D
disini saya menggunakan JunOS Olive dan NMS Solarwind .

CLI Configuration :

set snmp name “Router1” description “Router1”
set snmp location “Lab Gns3” contact “motaroirhaby@devilzc0de.org”
set snmp community junos authorization read-only
set snmp client-list list0
Configure the SNMP system name:

[edit snmp]
user@Router1# set name “Router1”

Specify a description.
[edit snmp]

user@Router1# set description “Router1”

This string is placed into the MIB II sysDescription object.

Specify the physical location.

[edit snmp]

user@Router1# set location “Lab Gns3”

This string is placed into the MIB II sysLocation object.

Specify an administrative contact for the SNMP system.

[edit snmp]

user@Router1# set contact “motaroirhaby@devilzc0de.org”

This name is placed into the MIB II sysContact object.

Specify a unique SNMP community name and the read-only authorization level.

[edit snmp]

user@Router1# set community junos authorization read-only

Create a client list with a set of IP addresses that can use the SNMP community.

[edit snmp]

user@Router1# set client-list list0


# set community public client-list-name list0

capture :

sudah selesai kita coba add snmp ke NMS .

ok selesai kita konfigurasi SNMP untuk router juniper dan kita bisa memonitoring di NMS :D

sekian semoga bermanfaat .

Best regards,

Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb

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